Equipment required: Foam roller, light KB, medium/light band
1) 1 Round:
– 60s each Foam roll Thoracic & Lats
– 5 Upward to Downward Facing Dog + Toe Touch
2) 2 Rounds:
– 5 each Tall Kneeling KB Halo
– 5 each Thoracic Rotations
2) AMRAP 5:
– 4 Yoga Push-up
– 5 each Split Stance KB Rows
– 5 each KB Push Press
– 10 Scap Pull-ups
– 10 Kip Swings
2/3 x 8-10.
– 2 Warm-up sets, 3 working sets
– Increase from last week
3 x 12-15.
– Increase from last week
L2: Hybrid Push-ups
L1: DB Glute Bridge Squeeze Press 3 x 10-12
For time:
500/400 Meter Row
40 Hang Muscle Cleans (95/65)
30 Toes to Bar
20 Burpees
– Goal: Hard effort taking strategic breaks when needed to keep output high.
Rx+: (115/75) (finish with 10 Ring Muscle-ups)
L3: (75/65)
L2: (65/45) (Hanging Leg Raises)
L1: (45/35) (Weighted V-ups) (Up Downs)
TIME CAP = 11:00
Banded Shoulder External Rotation
3 x 12-15 each. Rest 60s