Wednesday 1.26.22


Equipment required: Foam roller, medium band

1) Foam Roll lats x 60s each

2) 3-Way Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch x 5 breaths each position

3) 2 rounds:

– 1 each Spiderman Lunge

– 2 Upward to Downward Facing Dog w Toe touch

– 10 Scap Pull-ups

– 15 Banded Pull-apart


Gymnastics Skill Work

10 minutes working on a skill of your choice.

– Static Holds IE Plank, Ring support etc.

– Perfecting Bodyweight movements IE Push-up, Squat etc.

– Higher Skill Gymnastics IE Muscle-ups, Handstand Walk etc.



20 Russian Swings (53/35)

15/12 Cal Bike

10 Box Jump Step-downs

50 Meter each Single Arm Front Rack Carry

– Goal: Sustainable pace so you can keep your splits within 30s. Nasal Breathing if possible.

L3: (44/26)

L2: (35/20)

L1: (4 Rounds) (26/DB 15) (10/7 Cal Bike) (Box Step-ups)

– Alternative to Bike:

20/16 Row Cals


Half Kneeling High Low Band Chop

3 x 8 each. Rest 60s.


Rower Seesaw Plank

3 x 6-8 3s in 3s out. Rest 60s