Wednesday 10.7.20

2 Sets
Banded clamshell side plank x 10 per side
Banded Monster Walk x 10 forward and 10 backwards
Split stance isometric with pulse x 20 sec per side

6 Sets
1 power clean complexes (4 reps total)
The clean complex is…
Hang Muscle Clean from above the knee x 1 rep
Hang power clean from above the knee x 2 rep
Hang Power clean from below the knee x 1 rep
Build on the loads done two weeks ago but keep speed of the bar quick and smooth.
On the 90 sec Marks

3 Sets
Sumo Deadlift x 6,6,7 reps tempo @3030
Rest 20 sec
Dual Kettlebell Russian Swing x 15-20 reps
Rest 20 sec
B Stance Banded Hip Thrust x 10-15 reps per leg
On the 3:30 min Marks

3 sets
Inchworm Push Up x 3 reps
Devils Press x 6 reps
Hanging Knee Raises x 9 reps
Alternating Plank Row x 12 reps
Row x 15/ 12 cal
On the 6 min Marks

6 Sets
1 power clean complexe (4 reps total)
The clean complex is…
Hang power clean from above the knee x 1 rep
Hang Power clean from below the knee x 2 rep
Hang power clean from just off the ground x 1 rep
Build on the loads done two weeks ago but keep speed of the bar quick and smooth.
On the 90 sec Marks

3 Sets
Sumo Deadlift x 6,6,7 reps tempo @3030
Rest 20 sec
Dual Kettlebell Russian Swing x 15-20 reps
Rest 20 sec
B Stance Banded Hip Thrust x 10-15 reps per leg
On the 3:30 min Marks

3 sets
Wall walk x 3 reps
Devils Press x 6 reps 50/35
Toes to bar x 9 reps
Alternating Plank Row x 12 reps 50/35
Row x 15/ 12 cal
On the 6 min Marks