Wednesday 12.4.13

Birthday Bash 5 THIS Saturday 9 am!! Be there or be square. It’s going to be a fun party!

row 1k
rest 2 minutes
20 db walking lunges (35/25)
20 kte
20 backward lunges (bw)
20 S2O with DB
20 waiter lunges (db in one hand overhead)
20 kbs (heavy russian)
Rest 2 minutes
run 600m
Row 1k
rest 3 minutes:
30 DB walking lunges 55/30#
30 T2B
30 BB front rack reverse lunge 135/95#
30 S2O 135/195#
30 plate over head walking lunge 55/25#
30 KBS 2/1.5pd
rest 3 minutes
Run 800 m