Wednesday 6.3.20

3 Sets
Staggered stance RDL x 7 reps per side
Scorpion Stretch x 7 reps per side
Squat Pull downs x 7 reps
Vertical Jump x 7 reps

At Home
15 min Emom
7 Hang Power Clean + 7 Front Squat
*Stick / PVC / Barbell

For time :
Burpee x 20 reps
Lunge Jumps x 30 reps
Burpee x 20 reps

At the Gym
4 Sets
3 Complexes ( 1 Power Clean +2 Hang Power Clean + 3 Front Squat); on the last complex perform 1 Jerks after the front squat.
*Rest 10 sec between complexes
On the 3:30 min

For time :
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch x 30 reps 50/35
Alternating Dumbbell Clean and Jerk x 30 reps 50/35
Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups x 30 reps 50/35 24/20