2 Sets
Curtsy Step Back Lunge x 8 per side
Tall Plank Knee to elbow x 10 per side
90/90 Seated Goodmoring x 5 per side
10 min emom
Power Snatch from the ground x 1.1 reps
Rest 10 sec between reps
Keep weight at a lighter load
5 Sets
Heavy Clean Grip Deadlift x 4 reps (Last set lower the weight and perform a 10 rep touch and go at a tough load)
Rest 30 sec
Row x 400 meter
The goal on the row is to start off conservative (75%) and then each round increase pace . Gauge this with cal, each set try to increase cal out put by 2-3 from the previous sets.
On the 5 min marks
10 min emom
Power Snatch from the ground x 1.1 reps
Rest 10 sec between reps
Build in weight
5 Sets
Heavy Clean Grip Deadlift x 4 reps (Last set lower the weight and perform a 10 rep touch and go at a tough load)
Rest 30 sec
Row x 500 meter
The goal on the row is to start off conservative (75%) and then each round increase pace . Gauge this with cal, each set try to increase cal out put by 2-3 from the previous sets.
On the 5 min marks