Dynamic Warm Up
A. 6 Sets:
90 sec Row 85%
25 DU / SU
4-8 UB CTB / Knee Raises (Must be UB)
rest 45 sec
B. 4 Sets:
12-15/side Standing Banded Abductions
20 DB Frog Pumps
100′ 90 Degree DB Carry
rest as needed
Dynamic Warm Up
A. 6 Sets:
90 sec Row 85%
25 DU / SU
4-8 UB CTB / Knee Raises (Must be UB)
rest 45 sec
B. 4 Sets:
12-15/side Standing Banded Abductions
20 DB Frog Pumps
100′ 90 Degree DB Carry
rest as needed