No Excuses CrossFit’s Advanced Development and Personalized Training (ADAPT) program has helped people make tremendous progress since it started in 2016. We are excited to announce that we are opening additional slots for the ADAPT program! Below is more information about the ADAPT program, including when it starts and the cost.
Some of the success stories we’ve had in the ADAPT program include:
• One member went from being unable to do a handstand push up to now being able to do three unbroken and multiple ones in a WOD.
• One member that was suffering with back pain and stiffness no longer has back pain and has increased his mobility.
• One member has lost 15 pounds since starting the ADAPT program.
• One member was able to do three unbroken strict pull ups during the last Benchmark Week and was only able to do one prior to Benchmark Week.
No Excuses CrossFit
Advanced Development And Personalized Training
What is it?
The Advanced Development And Personalized Training program is an individualized program intended to help you reach your personal goals.
What’s included?
Each month you will get a 1-hour assessment/meeting with your coach and go over your progress, any program questions, and movement demonstrations.
Assessments will be a functional movement screen and the OPT movements screen. These screens will help guide and shape your goals, but not limit them. For example, if Greg Glassman needs more hip and knee mobility because his squat is horrible and it is effecting other movements as well, but he wants to get muscle ups then the program will reflect him to get to muscle ups but working in the hip mobility as well so that he can be explosive in the kip and follow through. ADAPT will not only address your goals, but will also improve your biomechanics.
How does it work?
The Advanced Development And Personalized Training program will be implemented into the normal class schedule twice per week. Members of ADAPT will need to show up on those days and those days will change week-to-week. You will not perform the ADAPT programming before or after class or on alternate days.
Each month you will get a new set of movements or activities to help you achieve your goal. You will be given three scenarios — a 3 set, a 4 set, and a 5 set. The number of sets in the general programing determines how many sets you will perform that day.
For example the white board or the web site would look like this:
4 sets
Plank Hold x 60sec of work
On the 3min marks
4 Sets
ADAPT would reference the 4 set template you were given and it might look something like this if your goal is to have a better squatting position. *Depending on the assessment data*
4 sets
Weighted Back extensions x 10 reps
Banded Abductor Squats x 15 reps
Goblet Squat Hold x 30 sec 55lbs
On the 3min marks
Who is this intended for?
You (or any person with goals). These goals may be movement based (such as pull ups, muscle ups, handstand pushups, mobility improvement, or improved movement patterns), outcome based (such as fat loss or muscle gain), or strength based (such as increased back squat, deadlift, clean, or snatch).
What if I only come to the gym three days a week? When will I do ADAPT?
ADAPT for people who train 4-5 days a week. If you are only training three days a week, your first step is increase the number of days you are training. At that point, then you should consider joining the ADAPT program.
When does it start?
Sign-up is from Monday, March 27 through Friday, March 31.
Availability: Due to the personal interaction of this program, we only have 10 spots available at the moment.
Cost: $60 per month with 6-month commitment, $324 paid-in-full (a 10% discount) or $60 for month-to-month.
How do I sign-up?
Contact Coach Chris Fischer to complete an enrollment application at