
Let’s go Around the Whiteboard with our resident comedian/coach Josh Dobeck! joshd

Certifications Crossfit Level 1 Certificate Holder, Crossfit Mobility Certificate
Favorite WOD: Nancy
Favorite Lift: Snatch
Deadlift Max: 450
Back Squat: 375
Snatch: 228
Clean and Jerk: 270
Favorite Food: Steak and Potato
Favorite Movie: Dawn of the Dead
Favorite Athlete: Dmitry Klokov
Dream Job: Musician
Dream Vacation Destination:  Anywhere on the beach

How did you find CrossFit and what drew you to getting started?
“A friend at work was heavily involved, and I needed something to help me lose weight. The high intensity aspect really drove it home.”

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
“2 years”

How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
“Before I started Crossfit I weighed about 270 pounds. I had horrible eating habits and was very unhealthy. Crossfit not only help me lose weight, it helped me the best person I can be. I FREAKING LOVE CROSSFIT!”

Have you always known that you wanted to be involved in training and coaching others?
“Socially I am an outgoing person. It seemed sort of Natural to help others. Plus its a great opportunity to  coach some wonderful individuals.”

What do you love most about coaching others?
“Watching people do something they think they can’t do. When our Athletes set their minds to something and do it, as a coach it feels great.”

Did you play any sports growing up?
“None. I was an Orch Dork.”  (editors note: for those of you who don’t know what an Orch Dork is…someone who played in the Orchestra in high school)

Tell us about a CrossFit moment or achievement that you are particularly proud of.
“That’s a tough one…I think the sense of community in our gym is something to be proud of. We have such an awesome group of Folks. I am so proud to call them all friends.”

What is your funniest CrossFit moment?
“Watching Coach Brandon announce at the WOD for a Cause Event. That was pretty awesome.”

What is one goal you have yet to achieve in CrossFit but are working hard towards?
“Of course the muscle up.”

Do you have a personal motto or life mission statement?
“Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.”

What are your hobbies and interests outside of CrossFit?
“Music and a lot of Nerd stuff. Just ask my wife.

What is your advice for new members?
“It looks hard because it is hard. Just remember the others around you that are trying to do the same thing. Hard work pays off. Trust me.”

What do you love most about No Excuses CrossFit?
“THE COMMUNITY!!!! All of our Athletes keep me motivated to be a better coach.”

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