
Name: Adam Tyson

Age: 29

Occupation: Community Manager

Hometown: Dublin, Ga

Which class time do you usually attend? 5pm

Favorite WOD: Grace

Favorite CF Movement: Power Clean

Least Favorite CF Movement: Box Step Overs

3RM Back Squat: 320

1RM Deadlift: 405

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Movie: Ready Player One

Favorite Athlete: Dan Gable

Dream Job: Stay at home Dad / Trophy Husband 😛

Dream Vacation Destination: Australia

If you could have any super-power… Traffic sucks in Atlanta, so being able to teleport would be amazing.

Favorite Motivational Quote: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” – I know someone else said it first, but my mom told me this before and after every practice and game.

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I’ve been going since October of 2018


How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start? 

I saw a few workouts on YouTube and it just reminded me of wrestling practice, so I was immediately interested. I finally decided to start a few months after our son was born, I wanted to set a good example for him and get back to the person I always wanted to be.


Tell us about your fitness/sports background:

I was a really sickly kid, so at first, I wasn’t allowed to play sports or run around that much. In elementary school my asthma and other issues started backing off, so I started wrestling and fell in love with the sport. I picked up football, and soccer in middle school and played all three sports until I graduated. I played 2 years of soccer in college before relocating to Atlanta.


What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses?

Since joining No Excuses, I feel stronger and so much happier with where I am now and where I’m going with my fitness.


Who or what keeps you coming back and motivated?

At first setting a good example for Colt and general health kept me coming back, but after setting and reaching multiple goals continued success is a big factor in my motivation now.


In what other ways do you use your fitness?

I’ve always loved playing sports and competing in some way, so I use my fitness for pick up games of many different sports, moving furniture around the house for my pregnant wife, and VR games lately.


Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment. 

Shortly after I joined the gym the sign ups started for the 2019 January Granite Games. I didn’t really have any plans on competing, but somehow Bill talked me into it and I joined his team. I had a ton of fun competing and hearing everyone cheer when I finished my last round was definitely something I won’t forget.


Name one goal you would like to achieve in the next year (doesn’t have to be CrossFit related, but it can be)

I’m going to get a 300lb Power Clean this year.


Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym:

My main hobbies are playing video games, playing sports with my friends and co-workers, and taking photos, but mostly I love being a dad. I love chasing Colt around the house, teaching him how to throw, kick, and get in all kinds of trouble with his mom.


What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or is on the fence about starting?

If you just started CrossFit, forget about everything you used to do or could do in the past and focus on what you’re going to do today. If you’re thinking about joining CrossFit but haven’t yet, the best advice I can give is 6 months from now you can still be thinking about it, or you can be looking in the mirror at the person you’ve always wanted to be.


What do you love most about No Excuses?

I love that every time I come to class my coaches and classmates know my name. I love that when I look out on the floor, I see people pushing themselves to be better every day and that motivates me.


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$20 Per Class

4260 Creek Park Drive, Suite B
Suwanee, GA 30024

(470) 436-8861


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