Name: Angie Drexler
Age: 39
Occupation: High school science teacher
Which class time do you usually attend? 4 p.m.
Favorite WOD: Fran
Favorite Lift: Power clean
Deadlift Max: 165
Back squat Max: 130
Fran: 5:10 (11/2/13)
Cindy: Haven’t done in the past 6 months, so not sure
Got Muscle-ups? Not yet
1 mile run: Not sure, but faster than before I started Crossfit
How long have you been CrossFitting? Since May 2012 (1 year, 9 months)
What keeps you coming back/motivated?
“I keep coming back for the challenge. I no longer think I can’t do something. I want to know if I can do it better or go heavier. Fellow CrossFitters make me push. They are an inspiration to me. Also, the challenging, encouraging coaches make me want to do my best and not give up.”
How did you find CrossFit?
“Ben’s dad lives next door to me and between the two telling me about CrossFit, I finally decided to give it a try and boy am I glad I did.”
What is your athletic background (If applicable)?
“I was involved in gymnastics and softball until I was 13. Then, I played tennis in college.”
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
CrossFit allows me to work out the stress from work. It is the only ‘program’ I’ve participated in that made me successful at weight loss. Not only did I lose the weight, but I’ve gained strength and confidence. Improved fitness allows me to keep up with two teenage boys. I’m exceptionally proud of my level of fitness. I don’t have the old people hurts that I did before I started training due to improved strength and flexibility. I look and feel better than I did 10 years ago. I can wear tank tops and be proud of my arms.”
What is the one thing you have done here that you never thought you could do? (muscle up, double unders, heavy deadlift, run a mile, etc.)
“A true push up and toes to bar. I used to wonder how that was humanly possible, then one day it just clicked.”
What motivates/inspires you?
Seeing continual improvement and fellow CrossFitters. They are my extended family and many times free therapy. I’m totally inspired when new people come in and attack a WOD like a beast. There is no fear or intimidation. That is inspiration for me to push harder and not get lazy or comfortable.”
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement?
“I don’t know if I can name only one but if I have to I would say finally getting over the fear of a 20” box jump was a day of triumph for me. Also, it is fulfilling to finish a WOD and not feel defeated. I no longer see the burpee, squat, or push up as my adversary.”
Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit?
“Pull ups! They are currently my kryptonite.”
What goals have you achieved in CrossFit?
“Weight loss, improved strength and endurance, mental focus.”
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit?
“BASEBALL! I love it! My oldest son plays and when he’s not playing we attend Georgia Tech or Braves games.”
What is your favorite meal?
“Pizza (sorry I know that is totally not Paleo)”
Any advice for new members?
“Keep on keeping on. Knock it out one rep at a time. Be the conqueror not the conquered. Keep a log and look back. You’ll be amazed at yourself. You got this!”
Coach Brandon’s take: Angie has been with us for almost two years, but that first year I’m not sure how focus or dedicated she was to CrossFit. Then one day something clicked and Angie was a different person. She had this look of determination in her eye. She was going to get better at CrossFit and nothing was going to stop her. Now a year later, it has paid off. Angie does all the little things right. She comes to class early and warms up on her own, she writes down all of her times and weights in her journal, she asks questions before, during and after class. But the biggest thing is she just works hard. She doesn’t come into the gym and take a day off. She’s always getting better and it has been a joy to watch her grow as an athlete the last two years. She even experienced the sport of CrossFit by competing in the Garage Games One. I was so happy to see her do that. I’m looking forward to what year three of CrossFit has for Angie.