
Name: Beth Reed

Age: 45

Occupation: Department Manager at Floor and Decor

Hometown: Buford/Flowery Branch, GA

Which class time do you usually attend?: 8 am!!

Favorite WOD: Jackie

Favorite CF Movement: TTB

Least Favorite CF Movement: Pistols

3RM Back Squat: 175

1RM Deadlift: 265 in 2018 ?

Favorite Food: Tacos!

Favorite Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas

Favorite Athlete: SAM BRIGGS ?

Dream Job: Coaching

Dream Vacation Destination: Iceland

If you could have any superpower, it would be… Reading animals’ minds

Favorite Motivational Quote: FEAR is a motherf***er but it’s really just False Evidence Appearing Real

How long have you been doing CrossFit?: Since Summer 2014

How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start?: I had always been involved in some form of exercise. But the globo gyms weren’t doing it for me. I had friends through work that had a CrossFit gym. They finally convinced me to give it a try. I was always deterred by the price. But after that first workout, I went to another, then another. Next thing I knew, I was paying for unlimited. I really enjoy the programming and all I have to do is show up and do the work.

Tell us about your fitness/sports background: I played soccer and softball when I was in high school. Became a Master Fitness Instructor in the Army. Then I went to places like LA Fitness for a while. I ran a bunch of 5ks, 10ks, and half-marathons.

What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses?: All I know is that if I ever stop doing CrossFit, I’m going down a dark path. CrossFit keeps me sane. Having consistency and accountability are super important for me. I’ve definitely gotten stronger in many ways and I’ve seen myself do things I never thought I’d be able to do.

Who or what keeps you coming back and motivated?: The entire 8 am class and Sarah! Also, the fact that I see progress and I feel better when I come. I want to grow older still being able to function.

In what other ways do you use your fitness?: If I wasn’t involved in CrossFit, I wouldn’t be able to lift all of the heavy-ass tile and wood that I do every day!

Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment.: Favorite CrossFit moment has to be when I cleaned 135# in the Open in 2018. I had never done it before and I haven’t done it since. Participating in events like the Open and Hugo are the best things about CrossFit: when the community comes together and cheers each other on. I can’t imagine how awesome it feels to be on the big stage at the Games.

Name one goal you would like to achieve in the next year: I want to get the HSPU, since I haven’t really ever.

Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym: I love to be outdoors. Hiking, biking, being in the water ❤️

What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or who is on the fence about starting?: Don’t question it, just do it. It will change your life.

What do you love most about No Excuses?: You guys are so welcoming! I also love the programming and the coaching. I don’t feel judged at all. I’ve been doing CrossFit for a long time. I still struggle and I’ve had setbacks. But, I fit right in and y’all are awesome!


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$20 Per Class

4260 Creek Park Drive, Suite B
Suwanee, GA 30024

(470) 436-8861


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