
Name: Bobby Hill
Age: 53
Occupation: General Manager
Which class time do you usually attend? 7 PM
Favorite WOD: Anything with back squats
Favorite CF Movements: Wall Walks
1RM Deadlift: 315
3 RM Back squat: 235
Favorite Food: Ribeye Steak
Favorite Movie: American Sniper
Favorite Athlete: Roger Staubach
Dream Job: To own a wildlife hunting and fishing preserve
Dream Vacation Destination: Anywhere my wife tells me we are going!
Favorite WOD song: “Turn Down for What!”
Favorite Motivational Quote: “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.” -Zig Ziglar

How long have you been doing CrossFit? 
“Since March, 2016.”

How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start? 
“I owe my debt of gratitude to Glen and Nicole Wilkins for being so persistent pushing me over the cliff to get started. Glen should be a head hunter with his never-ended pursuit of someone. Now Nicole on the other hand, with her sweet, motherly, loving approach put me over the edge.”

Tell us about your sports/fitness background:
“I have not spent a single day in the gym since my high school football playing days.”

What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses? 
“Since starting Crossfit I have become a better manager of my overall fitness and lowered my stress level both professionally and personally. I have been able to focus on the things that help me emotionally to make better decisions.  Since I have been able to slow down and realize that I have attention deficit disorder. My workout routine has helped me to stay more organized and on task.”

What keeps you coming back and motivated?
“The coaches! We are blessed with such a great network of coaches from Mario at 6:00 am to Brandon, Chris, Laura, Deb, Mat, Jeff, and Stacey always giving me the necessary direction to be successful.  I can’t leave off Jeremy for selling me Crossfit at the beginning when I first came with Glen and Nicole on BAF day.  I would also like to thank all of the other coaches that I have not had experience working with at this point.”

In what other ways do you use your fitness? 
“Crossfit is now a priority in my life and I feel it is a necessity daily.  Number one, it helps take the soreness away and give me the mobility that I needed to enjoy my favorites away from the gym. I am better prepared for work and any other activities that require me to exert energy.”

Who or what motivates/inspires you?
“I have had the opportunity to learn with and grow with some of the best members of a group that I have ever experienced in my life. All of you guys have at one time or another helped me to stay confident and motivated to push forward at every workout.”

Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment. 
“I remember watching the look on Brandon’s face when I first started.  I loaded my bar to do a front squat and did not use any clips.  Needless to say my first attempt to place the bar back on the rack was not complete and I needed a lot of help from my new friends picking up the weights and getting it back on the rack.”

Name one goal you would like to achieve in CrossFit.
“I want to become better with all the necessary movements that it takes to do even bigger things with my new found CrossFit coaches and friends!”

Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym:
“I love to do everything outdoors, lawn care, hunting, fishing, sporting events and whatever my wife Dena tells me to do.”

What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or is on the fence about starting? 
“PUSH!  Get to know the coaches early in the process.  Don’t be shy and ask a lot of questions.  You guys are the best!!”

What do you love most about No Excuses? 
“No Excuses is the place to go for fun, friendship, confidence, physical fitness and a life changing experience!  I am forever grateful for what each of you has taught me with what it takes to help others.”

Coach Brandon’s Take:
“Bobby came to Bring A Friend day about a year ago and instantly fell in love with CrossFit. He wanted to make health and fitness a priority and has been very consistent with training. He’s had to battle a few nagging injuries, but Bobby always comes to the gym ready to work. His hard work and determination have helped lose weight and improve his overall conditioning.”


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$20 Per Class

4260 Creek Park Drive, Suite B
Suwanee, GA 30024

(470) 436-8861


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