Name: Jean-Marc Dinghin
Age: 41
Occupation: Software Developer
Hometown: Versailles, France
Which class time do you usually attend? 12:30 PM
Favorite WOD: Cindy
Favorite CF Movement: A nice clean pull-up always hits good
Least Favorite CF Movement: Burpees
3RM Back Squat 215
1RM Deadlift: 215
Favorite Food: Raclette (google it*)
Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings
Favorite Athlete: Rafael Nadal
Dream Job: Running a nice & cosy pub..
Dream Vacation Destination: New Zealand
If you could have any super power… Flying
Favorite Motivational Quote: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Churchill
How long have you been doing CrossFit? (Since Month, Year) Started June 2023!
How did you first discover CrossFit and what made you decide to start?
“I wanted to get back to a gym, but I knew I needed coaching and motivation. So instead of getting a useless Planet Fitness membership, I did some research around CrossFit. I liked what I saw and gave No Excuses a try!”
Tell us about your fitness/sports background:
“I was mostly a swimmer. Training 5 days a week during the off season, and a rescue swimmer in the SW beaches in France during the summer months. All that came to a stop after college and getting a real job. I picked up tennis as a hobby and was also playing soccer in rec leagues.”
What sorts of positive changes (mental, physical, emotional) have you noticed in your life since getting involved at No Excuses?
“Physically, I lost weight and gained muscle mass. Getting fitter also made me more confident. I’m also starting to see my mobility and flexibility improving. I realized how bad it became in my late thirties. Paired with other life changes, it has also been a great mental and emotional boost.”
Who or what keeps you coming back and motivated?
The sense of progress and achievement. Getting stronger and better at the technical movements. That unique feeling of being physically tired after a good WOD. The endorphins!
In what other ways do you use your fitness?
“Beyond the gym, it makes routine tasks easier and less physically taxing. Playing with the kids, home improvement tasks, etc. I can farmer’s carry a fairly impressive amount of groceries now 😀 “
Please share with us a favorite CrossFit or No Excuses moment.
“I really enjoyed the CrossFit Open! I was totally new, it scratched my competitive itch and I witnessed how much fun everybody was having together. I’m looking forward to compete again next year (and get better results!).”
Name one goal you would like to achieve in the next year (doesn’t have to be CrossFit related, but it can be)
“Several goals: I want to get better at pull-ups, learn to climb the rope and venture in the RX territory more often!”
Tell us about your hobbies and interests outside of the gym:
“I’m a private pilot, currently working on my instrument rating, and planning to get my commercial pilot license in 2025.”
What advice do you have for someone just starting CrossFit or is on the fence about starting?
“I would say start slow and assess where you’re at physically. It’s tempting to push hard at first, but you need to take the time to learn proper form to avoid injury and build strength safely. Also don’t compare yourself to others. It is your journey and there is absolutely no judgement here!”
What do you love most about No Excuses?
“I enjoy the camaraderie, the variety of workouts and the coaching that keeps me safe.”