
Kim_photo2Name: Kim Barb
Age: 35
Occupation: Project Manager
Which class time do you usually attend? 7 p.m.
Favorite WOD: Any that have a GOAT of mine (which is pretty much anything that involves the barbell or ring dips)
Favorite Lift: Power Clean
Deadlift Max: 185
Back squat Max: 155
Fran: Not under 10 minutes yet
Cindy: 14 rounds
Got Muscle-ups? Should probably practice this one 🙂
1 mile run: Sub 8 minutes, but not by much
How long have you been CrossFitting? I got serious about it January 2012

What keeps you coming back/motivated?  
“The people, the opportunities to learn and then try to refine what I’ve learned and make small improvements. I love the challenge of doing things I’m not good at (for me, it’s heavy weights) and seeing that I’m a little better at it this time than I was last time. I look forward to the WODs that intimidate me the most and I love the feeling of having survived them when the clock is out of time. And I love the atmosphere of the positive attitudes around me, the cheering and encouragement that we all give to each other every day. I come back for all of these things.”

How did you find CrossFit?
“I was climbing one night at Adrenaline Climbing and I looked out the window and saw a man who didn’t have arms or legs making his way into the Mixed Martial Arts place next door. I thought ‘What’s his story?’ and I asked Paul Creighton. He told me about Kyle Maynard. I went home and read about Kyle’s story and learned of CrossFit that way. The more I researched CrossFit, the more I wanted to try it. So eventually, I tried it and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

What is your athletic background (If applicable)?  
“Mixed Martial Arts (15 years), Climbing (6 years).”

How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
“CrossFit has improved my fitness on every level. It’s changed my life and lifestyle for the better by being a lifestyle in and of itself. If you want to beat your last time, or PR on a weight, or get one more round in than you did last time, you have to have a particular level of discipline/attitude in the other areas of your life so you can get there. I’m conscientious of what I eat, how much sleep I get, how much water I drink, and even my friends because all of these things play their role, along with CrossFit, in my quality of life.”

What is the one thing you have done here that you never thought you could do? (muscle up, double unders, heavy deadlift, run a mile, etc.)
“I tried a handstand pushup in my room when I was 16 years old. My butt smashed through and destroyed the wall and it was a total failure! I can do HSPUs now and am not destroying anything other than my previous records.”

What motivates/inspires you?  
“People, usually. Once I decide that there’s something about someone that I admire, I immediately try to emulate that quality I’ve seen in them.”

What is your proudest CrossFit achievement?
“Doing ‘Murph’ Rx’d was a proud moment.”

Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit?  
“I would love to be able to do all barbell/weight WODs Rx’d. There are WODs where the Rx weight is literally my one rep max. This just won’t do!”

What goals have you achieved in CrossFit?  
“Double Unders. Before “Double Under December” of last year, I could barely string together three DU’s at a time. I set a goal for “DU December” at 100 per day and struggled with them at first. After a week, I was averaging 15 to 20 DUs before tripping on the rope. Now my PR is 60 unbroken and my new goal is 75. One GOAT down!”

Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit?
“There is life outside of CrossFit? My inner geek is obsessed with learning about everything on God’s green earth. I like to be outside, whether it’s climbing, exploring, biking, recreational sports or just hanging out with others. I like to read and hear about what others are reading. And, very personally, I’m involved with The Voice of the Martyrs mission and am pretty much interested in everything they do.”

What is your favorite meal?
“Alaskan King Crab Legs and lots of garlic butter!”

Any advice for new members?
“I don’t really have any advice, but do remember the “new kid at school” feeling I had when I started CrossFit. It will pass. And you’ll find that you care for the people you meet here and it’s because of the bonds you develop with them as you struggle together through your workouts. I can’t explain why it works out this way, but it’s pretty awesome. Maybe there’s a particular level of vulnerability we share in sweating and trying so hard, and hearing the encouragement from others as we fight through the pain of a WOD together. New members who are committed to their fitness and goals will quickly find out what I’m talking about!”

Coach Ben’s comment:
“Kim is quite simply one of the most fun, laid back and consistent athletes we have at the box. When you get around Kim, she has this way of attracting you to hang out with her more and more because of her dry humor, which is hilarious, and her contagious smile. She is always uplifting and servant towards others. Her work ethic plus consistency plus fun attitude towards training and life equals a champion in every aspect of her life. It’s her recipe and if others use it, I would suspect that they would find this same success and joy. She is certainly more than a conqueror in the gym and in life! I am truly honored and blessed to have her as an athlete, friend and fellow CrossFitter.”

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