


Name:  Rick Clements
Age:  54
Occupation:  IT Consulting CEO/President
Which class time do you usually attend?  6:00 P.M.
Favorite WOD:  All of them.  I’ll take any WOD Chris Fischer wants to throw at us.
Favorite Lift:  Bench, Deadlift or Back Squat (it’s what I grew up lifting)
Deadlift Max:  445 @ NECF (505 many years ago)
Back squat Max:  350
Favorite Food:  Steak
Favorite Movie:  Tin Cup
Favorite Athlete:   A.J. Clements (my son)
Dream job:  NASCAR driver (I like driving fast cars)
Dream Vacation Destination:  Anywhere with my wife.  We are planning Rome, Italy this year.

How long have you been CrossFitting?
“Since summer 2009.”

What keeps you coming back/motivated? 
“The NECF coaches and the comradery of everyone at NECF.”

How did you find CrossFit? 
“Paul Whaley.”

What is your athletic background (If applicable)?
“Weight lifting since teenager.  Competive basketball, baseball and football in high school and earlier.   I have kept playing recreationally since.  Also, I have played golf since my twenties and I’ve played men’s baseball recently.”

How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
“I had major surgery in 2008 at age 47 (upper lobectomy – removal of upper region of my lung) and with loss of 20% of my lung capacity I could’ve easily given up on serious fitness training afterwards.  My lung was removed because a calcified lymph node had punctured my bronchial tube and pneumonia was settling into that part of my lung on a regular basis.  Surgery saved my life and CrossFit saved my fitness.  I’m so thankful!”

What is the one thing you have done here that you never thought you could do? (muscle up, double unders, heavy deadlift, run a mile, etc.)? 
“Kipping pullup.”

Who or what motivates/inspires you? 
“My family has always inspired me to do my best.  And my friends motivate me to work hard, play hard and never quit.”

What is your proudest CrossFit achievement?
“I am most proud when I WOD 5 times a week.  I normally get 3 or 4 times a week.”

Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit?
“Muscle up and free standing handstand pushups.”

Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit? 
“Golf.  Music Concerts.  Enjoying empty nesting with my wife.  Traveling.”

Any advice for new members? 
“DO NOT GIVE UP.  Keep going and do the best you can every day.  Improving your fitness is a lifetime plan.”

Any additional thoughts/comments:
“Shout out to Brandon, Chris, Laura, Deb, Jeremy, Stacey and Chris (I apologize if I left a coach out).  These folks keep me motivated and it is much appreciated.  Brandon’s leadership and Chris’ programming has been outstanding!”

Coach Brandon’s Take:
“Rick is one of the OG’s of the gym. He’s been with us since our humble beginnings at the old gym and has always been supportive of the gym. Rick is like a lot of people at the gym. he just wants to be fit and healthy. He’s battled some injuries over the years, but he has enough experience to know when to push himself and when to take it easy. But don’t let his age fool you. When it comes to things like bench press, dips and deadlift, he’ll break out his old man strength and post some serious numbers.”

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