1. Power Clean 1RM
2. Macho Man
OTM for as long as possible:
3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Jerks
Ninjas: 165/115
Beasts: 185/135
Don’t be a meat-head. Lighter is harder than big weights in this wod. Pick a weight that you can get 6-9 rounds of. If you don’t finish 5 rounds, you need to reduce the weight and go again.
3. Goat Training
Pick TWO of the following, based on greatest weakness…
A. Overhead Strength Endurance
5 RFT: 15 unbroken Push Press, 105/75B. Overhead Squats
5 x 10 reps, moderate – not for time.
C. Ring Dips
60 reps for timeD. Rope Climbs
10 x 15′ Rope Climbs for time
5 RFT: 15 unbroken Push Press, 105/75B. Overhead Squats
5 x 10 reps, moderate – not for time.
C. Ring Dips
60 reps for timeD. Rope Climbs
10 x 15′ Rope Climbs for time
E. L-Sits
10 RFT: 10 seconds of L-sit hold
F: Toes To Bar
10 RFT: x 6 unbroken reps