A. 3 rounds not for time
5-10 Knee Ups
10-20 single Unders
20-30sec Side bridge hold
B. OT2min for 8min
DB Press x 10 @ 3×21
C. 3 rounds
3min AMRAP
3 Ring Rows
5 Push Ups
Rest 3min between rounds
A. 3 rounds not for time
5-10 Toes to Bar
10-20 Double Unders
20-30sec Hand Stand Hold
B. OTM 8min
Push Press x 3-6@75% of Press
C. 3 rounds
3min AMRAP
3 Pull Ups
5 Stationary Dips
Rest 3min between rounds
A. 3 rounds not for time
5-10 UB Toes to Bar
20-30 UB Double Unders
20-30sec UB Hand Stand Hold
B. OTM 8min
Push Jerk x 3-6@55%
C. 3 rounds
3min AMRAP
3 Strict Pull Ups
5 Strict Stationary Dips
Rest 3min between rounds