Looking forward to this one! I (Laura) remember doing this WOD very early on in my CrossFit adventure! The WOD we are doing today was the third workout in the 2011 CrossFit Games Open…enjoy!
Open WOD 11.3
Squat Clean Thruster (165,110)
Cash Out
Tabata Situps
Storytime! In March 2011, I had only been doing CrossFit for about 3 months when the CrossFit Games Open rolled around. It was the first year that the Games season began with the Open (in years past, making it to Regionals and then on to the Games started with a state sectional competition). I had no idea what this “CrossFit Games Open” was all about, but it was a competition so I was definitely interested. My coaches encouraged me to sign up because all the WODs would be done at our own gym and it would be a great way to see what the Sport of Fitness was all about. At this point, I didn’t have unassisted pull-ups (at all) but I signed up anyways, thinking “this will be fun, but if pull-ups come up in any of the WODs, then I’m out.” Pull-ups then became my number-one focus throughout the course of the Open, and every week I held my breath as the WOD was announced praying there wouldn’t be any pull-ups! Turns out pull-ups didn’t show up until week 6 and when they did I was ready! After practicing basically every day throughout the entire Open, I finally had pull-ups (just a few, but I had them!) I was proud that I was able to complete all the WODs Rx throughout the Open, even though I wasn’t anywhere close to qualifying. I realized then that the Open is about more than just going to the Games.
You know what else is cool about doing the Open? Well, for one thing, I remember this WOD very vividly. We did this WOD as part of an in-house throwdown and we had a huge crowd cheering and creating an amazing atmosphere. I remember trying the WOD earlier in the week and I was trying to beat my score. After the 5 minutes was up and I was laying on the ground, I signed my scoresheet that read that I had 16 points – I had beat my previous of 12! (You got 1 point for the squat clean and 1 point for going overhead). I remember having to turn every single one into a squat clean and jerk because I couldn’t thruster 110#. Doing the Open is cool because it gives you a context, a reason for pushing so hard. It’s not just “the WOD” it’s “THE OPEN!!!” I can remember this workout: the excitement and the feeling of accomplishment and now as it comes up again almost two years later, I think back to not being able to squat clean thruster 110# and I realize how much stronger I am, and how much stronger I can get.
I say all this to encourage everyone to sign up for the Open, because you just might surprise yourself with what you are able to accomplish when there is a community all focusing and rallying around this exciting time in the CrossFit season. It forces you to evaluate where you are weak, challenges you and gives you something to look forward to (or make you insane, like me) every week! It will create memories and spur you on to greater feats of strength. It will make you hungry for more. Because let’s be honest, you probably aren’t going to stop doing CrossFit any time soon and I guarantee these Open WODs will come up again. Won’t it be cool in a few years to look back on your first Open and say, “look how far I’ve come!” Maybe you won’t be on the Podium at the Games this year, but you may discover something about yourself by putting yourself out there and joining in this competition with everyone at No Excuses and around the world!!!
Don’t forget that THIS SATURDAY is our Grand Re-Opening from 9-12. No set class times, just show up, get signed up for a heat, warm-up and WOD! Bring some friends and let’s have a blast celebrating this awesome gym and community!