5 Sets
Hang Power Snatch From High thigh /Hip position + Overhead Squat x 3 reps
Empty Barbell or very light weight
On the 2:30min Marks
5 Sets
Front Squat x 5 reps
Tempo @ 33×1
*Pick a weight between 60-70% and stick with it all 5 sets. We will be adding to this weight over the next couple weeks so be a little conservative.
On the 3 min Marks
3 Sets
Dual Kettlebell Wall Sit x 30 sec
Rest 30 sec
V-Up Hold x 30 sec
Rest 90 sec
5 Sets
Squat Snatch From Hang High thigh /Hip position x 3 reps
Build in weight but keep speed priority
On the 2:30min Marks
5 Sets
Front Squat x 5 reps
Tempo @ 33×1
*Pick a weight between 60-70% and stick with it all 5 sets. We will be adding to this weight over the next couple weeks so be a little conservative.
On the 3 min Marks
3 Sets
Dual Kettlebell Wall Sit x 30 sec 35/25
Rest 30 sec
V-Up Hold x 30 sec
Rest 90 sec
RX+: 55/35
5 Sets
Squat Snatch From Blocks High thigh /Hip position x 3 reps
Build in weight but keep speed priority
On the 2:30min Marks
5 Sets
Front Squat x 5 reps
Tempo @ 33×1
*Pick a weight between 60-70% and stick with it all 5 sets. We will be adding to this weight over the next couple weeks so be a little conservative.
On the 3 min Marks
3 Sets
Dual Kettlebell Wall Sit x 30 sec 70/55
Rest 30 sec
GHD Sit Up Hold x 30 sec
Rest 90 sec