
With just a little planning, you can avoid the worst of the highway and keep moving toward your fitness goals.

1. Pack Healthy Snacks

Road trips are characterized by convenient food—and that isn’t always a good thing. 

Sugar-laden beverages and high-fat snacks are common, but they probably won’t support your goals in the gym. And we all know what happens when kids eat way too much sugar too fast.

I’d recommend you pack pre-chopped veggies, fruit, lean cold cuts and water in a cooler. Toss in some low-sugar protein bars, too. If you do that, you’ll avoid the temptation of chips, chocolate bars and energy drinks.

If you run out of supplies, do your best on the road. In some areas, you’ll be able to find grocery stores or quick, healthy meals: Think sandwiches with lean meat, salads with grilled chicken, wraps with veggies and so on. 

In other cases, you’ll be left with “roadside food.” That can be rough if you aren’t careful. Hot dogs, fried chicken, french fries—those can be gut bombs. 

When I’m forced to be resourceful and options are limited, I gravitate toward jerky, any fruit and veggies I can find, and nuts. 

2. Hit a Workout for a Rest Break

You’re going to have to stop for bathroom breaks and fuel, so why not plan to get moving when you’re off the road? It’s a great way to loosen up and blow off some steam.

You don’t have to do a 60-minute workout with a kettlebell pulled from the trunk. But what about jogging the perimeter of that roadside playground, then doing a round of 5 pull-ups on a swing set, 10 push-ups and 15 squats? You could just set a timer for 20 minutes and get the whole family moving. 

Other great no-equipment movements you can do include lunges, jumping jacks, burpees, step-ups/jumps onto any stable object (like a picnic table), mountain climbers, planks, and sit-ups.

A short workout will wake you up and tire the kids out. But if you don’t have time for that, try just stretching for 10 minutes. You’ll feel way better when you’re back in the vehicle.

If you’re traveling a familiar route, you might know a great playground or fitness park you can stop at. You could even plan to drop in at a gym—we might be able to give you a recommendation. 

And if you’re staying at a hotel on your way to your destination, you can usually find lots of equipment in the on-site gym. Hit a workout as a family!

Need More Help?

If you’d like to talk about on-the-road workout programming and nutrition strategies, we can help!

To book an appointment and make sure you keep moving toward your health and fitness goals all summer, click here.

Coach Brandon


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