Below are the three WODs for the Hugo Open on Saturday, Aug. 26. If you have any questions, concerns or need clarification on a WOD or movement, please contact Coach Brandon. If you have your team or need help finding teammates, contact Coach Brandon. More info about the Hugo Open is available here.
WOD 1: “Pyramid Scheme”
For Time:
Single Unders x 150
Back Squat x 55 (95/65#)
Box Jump/Step Over x 35 (20-inch)
Handstand Push Ups x 15 (2 push ups = 1 HSPU)
Bar Facing Burpees x 35
Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 55 (95/65#)
Wall Ball x 75 (14 pounds to 9-foot)
*14-minute time cap.
*One person working at a time.
*You may switch teammates at anytime during the WOD.
*Must slap hands to change person working.
*No double unders allowed.
*Everyone uses a 20-inch box. You may step up and step down or jump up and jump down.
*You may substitute 2 push ups for 1 handstand pushup.
*You must face the barbell on the burpees and have a 2-foot jump over the bar.
*The barbell starts on the ground and the rep is completed when the bar reaches your collar bone.
*Everyone goes to the 9-foot mark.
*WOD will be performed by the Rogue rig.
WOD 2: “Assault Bike Fran”
Beginning on a 3-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
Thrusters x 21 (75/55#)
Assault Bike calories x 24
Jumping Pull Ups x 27
If completed before 3 minutes, add 3 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
Thrusters x 18 (95/65#)
Assault Bike calories x 21
Pull Ups x 24
If completed before 3 minutes, add 3 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
Thrusters x 15 (115/75#)
Assault Bike calories x 18
Chest-to-bar pull ups x 21
If completed before 3 minutes, add 3 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
Thrusters x 12 (135/85#)
Assault Bike calories x 15
Bar Muscle Ups x 18
If completed before 3 minutes, add 3 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
Thrusters x 9 (155/95#)
Assault Bike calories x 12
Ring Muscle Ups x 15
*One person working at a time.
*You may switch teammates at anytime during the WOD.
*Must slap hands to change person working.
*If all the work is completed in 3 minutes, you may start the next portion of the workout.
*Each round the calories on the Assault Bike must start at zero.
*Athlete can be seated on Assault Bike while thrusters are being performed.
*The height of the jumping pulls can be based off any of the teammates, but only teammates the same height or shorter can perform the movement. Example: Fran (5-5), Randy (5-9), DT (6-0). Bar is set to six inches below Randy’s height, so only Randy and Fran can do the movement.
*WOD is performed on the Triton rig
WOD 3: “Sled Hell 4.0”
9-minute AMRAP
30 synchronized alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35/20#)
25-meter sled pull (0#)
25 synchronized alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35/20#)
25-meter sled pull (90#)
20 synchronized alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35/20#)
25-meter sled pull (135#)
If there is any time remaining, you will perform an AMRAP of synchronized alternating dumbbell snatches.
*One person will snatch the 50-pound DB, one person the 35 and one person the 20.
*You may switch weights between teammates at anytime.
*DB snatch must start on the ground and the rep is completed when all three teammates have the DB overhead with arm locked out.
*One person working at a time on the sled pull.
*Teammates not working must wait by the DB during the sled pull.
*You may switch teammates at anytime during sled pull by running back to DBs to slap hands.
*At the 25-and 50-meter marks, athletes must add weight to the sled.
*WOD is performed outside.
The following superlatives will be voted on by the Hugo Open participants.
*Hugo Open MVP
*Best Team Outfit
*Best Team Name
*Most Spirited
*Best Judge