Think about your last really amazing workout performance. A workout where you walked away feeling like you gave it your all, and it showed. The results were beyond your expectations, you recovered quickly, and everything just came together the way you imaged it in your head.
What did you eat before that workout?
Now, imagine the last terrible workout you completed. You felt sluggish, low energy, tired, and couldn’t lift a weight that you expected to be light. You maybe even had to drop weight in the middle of the workout. You walked away feeling defeated.
What did you eat before that workout?
I can guarantee you that what you ate before each of the situations above was completely different. It is easy to default to the idea that your muscles are the same, your body is the same, and therefore, your performance should be the same. But that is not true.
The ideal macronutrients to eat before a workout are carbohydrates and protein. If you cannot do both, focus on carbohydrates. Carbohydrates fuel your body, provide energy, and help your body burn fat, not muscle, during a workout.
You want to actually avoid fats right before a workout, as they will make you feel full a sluggish. Not the ideal situation through a 15-minute metcon of wallballs and rowing.
Here are some ideas for a pre-workout snack:
– Oatmeal, blueberries, cinnamon, and egg whites with vegetables
– Rice cake and deli turkey slices
– Applesauce with protein powder mixed in Zero sugar yogurt
It is hard to change our routine and convince our body of how good it CAN feel unless you try it. Switch up your pre-workout for one day. Consume carbohydrates and protein. Leave out the fat.
Now, what kind of workout did you have?
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