3 Sets:
30 sec AB
10/side Leg Swings
30 sec Forearm Plank
15 sec Air Squat Hold
A. Goblet Squat
5 reps @ 33X1
Every 2min x4 sets
Building each set or staying heavy across. Each set should be moderately tough.
B. Every 3min x4 Sets
5 Back Squats @ 31X1
Max UB Ring Rows @ 1010 (No pausing)
C. 4 Sets:
100 ft Farmer Carry Tough weight
10 alt Front Rack Reverse Lunges From Rack Tough Weight
10 Air Squats
rest 90 sec
A. Goblet Squat
5 reps @ 33X1
Every 2min x4 sets
Building each set or staying heavy across. Each set should be moderately tough.
B. Every 3min x4 Sets
3 Back Squats @ 33X1
Max UB Ring Rows @ 1010 (No pausing)
C. 4 Sets:
100 ft Farmer Carry Tough weight
10 alt Goblet Reverse Lunges Tough Weight
10 Air Squats
rest 90 sec