2 Sets
Bike x 30 sec
Single leg wall sit x 15 sec per leg
Low Switch Cossack Squat x 8 per leg
3 Sets
Landmine low Cossack Squat x 7 per side
Landmine Goblet Reverse Lunge x 7 per side
Landmine Push Press x 7 per side
On the 3 min mark
3 Sets
Overhead Squat to Box at parallel x 4 reps @tempo 32×1
Rest 20 sec
Dual Kettlebell Front Squat x 8 reps
Rest 20 sec
Row Sprint x 10/8 cal
On the 4 min marks
For time :
Sled Push x 100 meters (50 down / 50 back)
Assault Bike x 20/14cal
Sprint x 100 meters (50 down / 50 back)
3 Sets
Landmine low Cossack Squat x 7 per side
Landmine Goblet Reverse Lunge x 7 per side
Landmine Push Press x 7 per side
On the 3 min mark
3 Sets
Overhead Squat x 4 reps @tempo 32×1
Rest 20 sec
Dual Kettlebell Thruster x 8 reps
Rest 20 sec
Row Sprint x 10/8 cal
On the 4 min marks
For time :
Sled Push x 100 meters (50 down / 50 back)
Assault Bike x 20/14cal
Sprint x 100 meters (50 down / 50 back)
*Guys have a 45# on the sled and ladies have an empty sled .