A. Hanging Power snatch; 3-5 OTM 10min; PVC, or empty Bar Bell
B. Dumb Bell Step Back Lunges; 18 continues steps; x3 OT 4min; Increase all loads from last week
For time:
15 KBS
10 power snatches
5 DB power snatch each arm
A. Power snatch; build to a tough single in 13min
B. Front Rack Step Back Lunges; 18 continues steps; x3 OT 4min; Increase all loads from last week
For time:
15 power snatch 95/65
10 power snatch 115/75
5 power snatch 135/95
*1 Bar Bell*
A. Power snatch; build to a tough single in 13min
B. Over Head Step Back Lunges; 18 continues steps; x3 OT 4min; Increase all loads from last week
For time:
15 power snatch 115/75
10 power snatch 135/95
5 power snatch 165/105
*1 Bar Bell*
Competitor session 2:
AlternatingDumb Bell Snatch; 5 each arm for time; 85#; x2; rest 2min