Equipment Required: Foam roller, medium/light band
1) Three Way Foam Thoracic Spine x 60s each
2) Biphasic Pec Stretch x 60s each
3) 3 rounds:
– 5 Thoracic Rotations each
– 10 Banded Glute Bridge 1s hold at top of each rep
– 3-5 Banded Push-ups
– 10 Skip Jacks
4) Floor Press w. an empty barbell
1 x 5 with 3s down, 2s hold in the bottom position. Focusing on perfect technique.
1RM in 8 sets.
– Goal: 5# PR
– Essentials: 3/5 x 5
4 Round For Time
10 Strict Pull-ups
10 Single Arm DB Push Press each (50/35)
– Goal: Challenging pace. Break sets before you have to. Start on the weaker side each round with the Push Press and complete all reps on one arm before switching.
– Rx+: (Cash out: 15/10 Bar Muscle-ups)
– Scale strict pull ups to banned pull ups or assisted ring pull ups
TIME CAP = 10:00
4 x 7 each. Rest 60s.