3 Sets
Pull Up Negatives x 3-5 reps @31A1
Ring Pulls x 9 reps
Dumbbell Single Arm Bench Row x 6-8 reps per arm
On the 3min Marks
Rest 5min
3 Rounds For Time:
Incline Push Ups x 10 reps
Ring Pulls x 10 reps
Push Press x 10 reps
Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 reps
3 Sets
Weighted Strict Pull Ups x 3 reps
Weighted Pull Up Negatives x 3 reps @31A1
Strict Totally vertical Ring Pulls x 9 reps
Dumbbell Single Arm Bench Row x 6-8 reps per arm
On the 3min Marks
Rest 5min
3 Rounds For Time:
Push Ups x 10 reps
Pull Ups x 10 reps
Push Press x 10 reps 115/75
Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 reps 115/75
3 Rounds Not For Time:
Strict Muscle Ups x 1-2
Skin the Cats x 2-3
Handstand walks by 30-40ft
*If unable to do Strict MU then do kipping but try to lower yourself as slow as possible back down(slow negative).*
Rest 5min
For Time:
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 30/20 reps
Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 30/20 reps
Kipping Handstand Push Ups x 30/20 reps
Strict Chin to Bar Pull Ups x 30/20 reps
Competitor Session 2:
3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400meters
Burpees x 20 reps