RP: Light Training Day
In 12min Find Your 3 Rep Max Back Squat
Rest 5min
If 3RM Back Squat is Greater than or Equal to your body weight then…
In 12min Find a 1 Rep Max Power Clean
If 3RM Back Squat is Less than your body weight then…
In 12min Find a Max rep Unbroken American Kettlebell Swing (35/25)…Take as many attempts at this as you want but be smart and don’t wear yourself out with too many attempts
Rest 5min
In 10min Proceed through the following in Order. If unable to accomplish the task with parameters then stop there and record the result.
1.Unweighted Negative Dip @ Tempo 31A1; 5 reps for Males / 3 Reps for Females
2.If unable to do all three reps of #1 then find a 5RM Incline Push Up
3. If able to do all 5/3 reps of #1 then find Strict Body Weight Dip @ Tempo 3010; 3 reps
4. If Unable to do all 3 reps from #2 then Find a 1RM weighted negative Dip @ Tempo 31A1
5. If able to do all 3 reps in #2 then Find a 1RM weighted Dip with no specific Tempo