SPU Warm Up (PVC)
Snatch BNPP(3sec pause) 3×6 BAR
Power Drop Snatch 3×3 BAR
Muscle Snatch 3×3 BAR
Power SPU 3×3 BAR
Snatch RDL+ RDL into shrug on toes 3x(3+3) BAR Stay above the knee
A1. Bulgarian Split Squat
3×8 each leg, 20/15, Rest 30sec between legs, Rest 1min between movements
A2. Single arm KB or DB push press
3×8 each arm, moderate load, pause 3 sec at top of each rep, Rest 30sec between sides, Rest 1min between movements
3 Rounds
1min Max rep box jumps
1min Max rep dumb bell press
1min Max rep single arm KBS
*you choose the weight and box hight but the purpose of this is to stay light to keep good form even when fatigue and take almost no breaks for the whole 9min.*
SPU Warm Up (PVC)
Snatch BNPP+OH Squat(3sec pause /squat) 3×3+3 BAR
Drop Snatch 3×3 BAR
Muscle Snatch 3×3 BAR
Snatch RDL+ RDL into shrug on toes 3x(3+3) BAR Stay above the knee
A1. Bulgarian Split Squat
3×3 each leg, HAP, Rest 30sec between legs, Rest 1min between movements
A2. Single arm KB or DB over head Squat
3×3 each arm, moderate load, Rest 30sec between sides, Rest 1min between movements
3 Rounds
1min Max rep box jumps
1min Max rep dumb bell press
1min Max rep single arm KBS
*you choose the weight and box hight but the purpose of this is to stay light to keep good form even when fatigue and take almost no breaks for the whole 9min.*