
The Nutrition Throwdown starts in less than 2 weeks! Are you ready to transform your lifestyle and crush it in the gym?

This challenge is different than past “Paleo Challenges.” First off, it’s not necessarily Paleo. Second, you are only competing against yourself. Can you set your goals and exceed your expectations?

The challenge will run for 6 weeks. It starts on Monday April 14th with the first benchmark WOD and will conclude on Saturday, May 24th with a celebration WOD and potluck meal.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Come to the Throwdown Goal Setting Workshop. Choose Saturday, April 12th at 10:00 am or Monday, April 14th at 6:00 pm.

Step 2: Complete the initial Throwdown WODs. The first is on Monday, April 14th and the second is on Thursday, April 17th.

Step 3: Complete the initial body fat test on Tuesday, April 15th or Wednesday, April 16th.

Step 4: Eat clean, work hard, get results!

The cost of the challenge is $75. The challenge fee includes:

The official No Excuses Nutrition Throwdown challenge t-shirt
Before and after body fat tests
Weekly seminars and nutrition coaching throughout the challenge
Notebook to journal your food and workouts

As an added bonus, any adult that signs up can have their child (age 5-10) participate for FREE!

More details about the challenge will be discussed during the initial goal setting workshop.

To sign up, put your name on the signup sheet at the gym. Space is limited to 20 participants so sign up soon! If you have any questions, email jeremy@noexcusescrossfit.com.

Are you ready and willing to Throw Down?

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We Would Love To Meet You!
WARNING! Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot… Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$20 Per Class

4260 Creek Park Drive, Suite B
Suwanee, GA 30024

(470) 436-8861


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