From 0-8min
For Time:
Run x 400 meters
Incline Push Up x 30 reps #5
*Every time you break on HSPU perform 5 Burpees*
From 10-18min
3 Rounds For Time:
Kettlebell Swing x 30 reps
Walking Lunges x 30 steps
From 20-30min
21-15-9 For time:
Power Snatch
*Perform 30 Single Unders between each set of snatches*
From 0-8min
For Time:
Run x 800 meters
Handstand Push Up x 30 reps
*Every time you break on HSPU perform 5 Burpees*
From 10-18min
3 Rounds For Time:
Kettlebell Swing x 30 reps 55/35
Walking Lunges with kettlebell x 30 steps 55/35
From 20-30min
21-15-9 For time:
Power Snatch 75/55
*Perform 30 Double Unders between each set of snatches*
From 0-8min
For Time:
Run x 800 meters
Handstand Push Up x 40 reps
*Every time you break on HSPU perform 5 Burpees*
From 10-18min
3 Rounds For Time:
Kettlebell Swing x 30 reps 55/35
Walking Lunges with kettlebell x 30 steps 55/35
From 20-30min
21-15-9 For time:
Power Snatch 75/55
*Perform 30 Double Unders between each set of snatches*