2 Sets
Single arm opposite Leg Plank x 15 sec per side
Plank Rock x 15 reps
Bottom of Bench Dip hold x 20-30 sec
3 Sets
Tall kneeling Kettlebell press R x 3 reps
Tall kneeling Kettlebell Windmill R x 3 reps
Rest 20 sec
Tall kneeling Kettlebell press L x 3 reps
Tall kneeling Kettlebell Windmill L x 3 reps
Rest 20 sec
Incline Push up with rotation and reach R x 3 reps
Incline Push up with rotation and reach L x 3 reps
On the 3 min marks
5 sets
Dual Dumbbell Bench Press x 6-8 reps
Rest 20 sec
Incline Push Up x 8-10 reps
Rest 20 sec
Slam Ball Ground to Overhead x 12 reps
Rest 20 sec
Assault Bike Sprint x 14 sec
On the 5 min marks
5 min amrap
Bench dip x 5 reps
Vertical strap Ring Pull x 5 reps
3 Sets
Tall kneeling Kettlebell Bottoms Up kettlebell press R x 3 reps
Tall kneeling Kettlebell Bottoms Up Kettlebll Windmill R x 3 reps
Rest 20 sec
Tall kneeling Kettlebell Bottoms Up kettlebell press L x 3 reps
Tall kneeling Kettlebell Bottoms Up Kettlebll Windmill L x 3 reps
Rest 20 sec
Push up with rotation and reach R x 3 reps
Push up with rotation and reach L x 3 reps
On the 3 min marks
5 sets
Dual Dumbbell Bench Press x 6-8 reps
Rest 20 sec
Ring Push Up x 8-10 reps
Rest 20 sec
Slam Ball Ground to Overhead x 12 reps
Rest 20 sec
Assault Bike Sprint x 14 sec
On the 5 min marks
5 min amrap
Bar dip x 5 reps
Vertical strap Ring Pull x 5 reps