Fight Gone Bad Complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute of: Wall Balls (20, 14) Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75, 55) Box Jumps, 20″ Push Press (75, 55) Row for calories. Repeat for 3 rounds. There is a 1 minute rest after each round, but there is no rest between stations. Cool Down: 800m jog out back.
FREE Nutritional Clinic at No Excuses CrossFit – Thursday, April 25th at No Excuses CrossFit – Open to all members!! The topic for this first clinic is “Fat! Good, bad and the ugly” Read this blog post before coming in to help prep the discusion. We will also be covering general topics and outlines concerning your nutrition (diet: way of life) to help you optimize your health and fitness through how you are “fueling” your body. (Food=Fuel)
Sign up for FREE North Georgia Competitors league HERE! Sunday, April 28th from 2 pm to 5 pm at No Excuses CrossFit!