3 Sets
Arch Body Hold x 20-30 sec
Kane Squat x 10 reps
Hip Switch x 10 per side
Squat Twist and Reach x 10 reps
At Home
12 min Emom
1.Right Leg complex (Single Leg RDL + Step Back Lunge ) x 7-10 complex
2.Left Leg complex (Single Leg RDL + Step Back Lunge ) x 7-10 complex
10 Sets
Bear Crawl x 50 ft (25ft down, 25ft back)
Shuttle Run x 100 ft (25ft down, 25ft back twice)
On the 2 min Marks
At the Gym
12min Emom
1.Overhead Squat x 5 reps
2.Snatch Grip Overhead Step Back Lunges x 6 reps
*keep weight light males do not exceed 115#, females do not exceed 75#
10 Sets
Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch x 8 reps 50/35
Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups x 8 reps 50/35
On the 2 min Marks
*Record Fastest and Slowest Rounds