3 Rounds Not For Time;For Quality:
Lying Leg Lifts (Candle Sticks) x 10 reps
Plank x 30sec
Band Pull A Parts x 20 reps
Arch Body x 30sec
10min AMRAP (Partner)
Tandem Burpee Box Jump Overs (both at same time) x 5 reps
Tandem Lunges ( both at same time) x 10 reps
Partner Deadlifts (Both holding the bar) x 15 reps
Ring Pulls (1 person working, switch anytime) x 20 reps
Single Unders (1 person working, switch anytime) x 100 reps
3 Rounds Not For Time;For Quality:
Lying Leg Lifts (Candle Sticks) x 10 reps
Plank x 30sec
Band Pull A Parts x 20 reps
Arch Body on GHD x 30sec
10min AMRAP (Partner)
Tandem Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″ (both at same time) x 5 reps
Tandem OH Lunges (Holding a 45lb/25lb bumper plate, both at same time) x 10 reps
Partner Deadlifts 225lbs (Both holding the bar) x 15 reps
Pullups (1 person working, switch anytime) x 20 reps
DU’s (1 person working, switch anytime) x 50 reps
5 Sets
Muscle Up Complex on Rings (Swing + Swing and Pull + Muscle Up) 1+1+1 x 4 complex
On the 2:30min Mark
10min AMRAP (Partner)
Tandem Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″ (both at same time) x 5 reps
HSPU to 1 abmat (1 person working, switch anytime) x 10 reps
Partner Deadlifts 255lbs (Both holding the bar) x 15 reps
Pullups (1 person working, switch anytime) x 20 reps
DU’s (1 person working, switch anytime) x 50 reps