Equipment required: Foam roller, plyo box
1) Foam Roll wherever you need it x 2:00 each
2) 1 Round:
– 5 each Spiderman Lunge
3) 3 Rounds:
– 4 Yoga Push-ups
– 5 each Box Step-ups
– 60s Row increasing pace
In Teams of 3
AMRAP 0:00 – 25:00
30 DB Thrusters (20/15)
45 Cal Row
Max 25 Meter Zig Zag Farmer Carry
– Goal: Split reps evenly and keep output high for the first AMRAP
*One person works at a time. Split as needed.
*your choice of weight for the carry
L2: (14/10)
L1: (Box Step-ups) (10/8) (30 Cal Row)
3 x 12-15. Rest 60s