The CrossFit Open begins this week and No Excuses CrossFit is excited to host Saturday Morning Showdown during the five-week competition.
Beginning on Saturday, Oct. 12 and every Saturday for the five weeks during the CrossFit Open, we will be hosting Saturday Morning Showdown.
The purpose of Saturday Morning Showdown is to challenge each of you to go beyond where you once thought impossible. This is an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of our community, competition and test your fitness.
Here’s how it works.
From 8:30-11:30 a.m. on Saturday morning during the CrossFit Open, we will run approximately 7 to 9 heats of the Open workouts. Gym members are encouraged to arrive early and stay late to cheer on everyone. Family and friends are also welcome to come cheer you on at no cost!
This way of doing the CrossFit Open is intended to help bring our gym community together for five weeks and create an awesome experience for anyone that participates as an athlete, judge or fan. Think of it like a big CrossFit party every Saturday morning!
Everyone that signs up for the Open will do the workouts as an individual and will earn points in a variety of ways. Points will be awarded for attendance, judging, and posting on social media.
The following are some Frequently Asked Questions. If you still have a question or concern, please contact Coach Brandon.
Q: What is the CrossFit Open?
A: The CrossFit Games season begins with the CrossFit Open. Each Thursday night a different workout will be posted by the CrossFit Games.
Q: What are the dates and times of the Saturday Morning Showdown?
A: Saturday, Oct. 12 from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Saturday, Oct. 19 from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Saturday, Oct. 26 from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 2 from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 9 from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Q: What’s the cost to do Saturday Morning Showdown?
A: The cost is $25 and this is to provide you with an awesome five-week experience similar to other events we host at No Excuses such as the Hugo Open, Granite Games Throwdown, specialty clinics, etc. Think of it as getting five competitions for the price of one. Signing up allows us to ensure proper set-up for each athlete.
Q: Why are we using an in-house leaderboard and not the CrossFit Games leaderboard?
A: This is to make it easier on you the athlete and give you one less thing you have to do. Once you complete the workout, No Excuses will enter your score into the leaderboard.
Q: What time can I start warming up?
A: The gym will open at 7:30 a.m. for you to begin warming up on your own. A warm-up will be placed on the whiteboard.
Q: Can I do the Open WOD on Friday?
A: No. There will be a regular class WOD posted for Friday’s classes.
Q: What time is each heat going to start and how do I pick a heat?
A: A heat will run approximately every 20 minutes, depending on the length of the WOD. You can sign-up for your heat time on the whiteboard beginning at 7:30 a.m. Heat times are tentatively set for the following — 8:30, 8:50, 9:10, 9:30, 9:50, 10:10, 10:30, 10:50, 11:10 — but are subject to change depending on the WOD.
Q: If I workout in the first heat, do I have to stay the entire time?
A: No, but we would love for you to stay and cheer on others while they WOD.
Q: Where will spectators sit during the WOD?
A: We will have bleachers set up for spectators to use.
Q: What if I’m not doing the CrossFit Open. Can I still come workout on Saturday mornings?
A: We are encouraging everyone to participate in Saturday Morning Showdown. If you do not wish to participate, you can take Saturday as a rest day or show off your fitness in the community by going for a run, swim, bike ride, pick-up basketball game, tennis match, etc. If you still want to come on Saturday morning to workout, that’s fine. Just keep in mind it won’t be a traditional style class.
Q: What if I can’t come on Saturday morning? Can I do the Open WOD on another day?
A: Yes, the make-up day for the CrossFit Open will be on Mondays. It would be best if you can do the workout during non-class times. But if that’s not possible, please coordinate with a coach. You will also need to provide your own judge for the workout.
Q: Will there be childcare provided?
A: We will have childcare available from 8-10:30 am. Please sign-up for childcare by Thursday at 8 pm, so we know how many kids to expect.
Q: I just started CrossFit. Should I do Saturday Morning Showdown?
A: Yes you should, especially since there’s a scaled division and we will create an additional Open division.
Q: Is the Saturday Morning Showdown just for Performance level athletes?
A: No. This is for everyone — essentials, fitness, performance. New CrossFitters to veteran CrossFitters. From kids to masters, this is for everyone!
Q: Should I do the Rx, scaled, or Open division for Saturday Morning Showdown?
A: If you are able to do all of the following movements you should do Rx. If you are unable to do any of the following movements, you should have the expectation to do scaled at least one week. Another option is to do scaled one week and Rx another week. New this year is the Open division. This will be a version of the workout anyone can do. An example is Rx is doing C2B, Scaled is doing pull ups, and Open would be doing jumping pull ups.
Rx movements include: Muscle ups, handstand push ups, handstand walks, double unders, toes to bar, chest to bar pull ups, box jumps, wall balls, thrusters, snatch, deadlift, clean, overhead squat, rowing, burpees.
Q: What are the divisions for Saturday Morning Showdown?
A: There will be two divisions used for Saturday Morning Showdown — Men and Women. How you complete the workout will determine your overall ranking. For example, 1 rep of Rx would rank higher than 50 reps of scaled. 1 rep of scaled would rank higher than 50 reps of Open.
Q: How are points scored for the team concept of Saturday Morning Showdown?
You can earn points by performing the following tasks. Do the Saturday Morning Showdown workout and submit a score (50 points), be a judge during Saturday Morning Showdown (25 points), post a photo from Saturday Morning Showdown on Facebook and check-in at No Excuses CrossFit (25 points), post on Facebook or submit a video testimonial about No Excuses CrossFit (75 points).
Q: If there’s scoring involved, does that mean there’s awards for the winning person?
A: Yes, the person with the most points at the end of five weeks will receive a pair of Reebok Nanos. Second place will receive a lululemon gift card, and third place will receive a Rogue gift card.
Q: When’s the deadline to sign-up for Saturday Morning Showdown?
A: You need to sign-up for Saturday Morning Showdown by Saturday, Oct. 12.
Q: I have a friend from another gym that wants to come to Saturday Morning Showdown. Can they WOD with us?
A: Yes, they are welcome to WOD with us, just like another other visitor and pay the $25 drop-in fee.
Q: Can I bring friends and family to come watch me?
A: Yes, of course! You can bring as many people as you like to come cheer you on.
Q: This sounds awesome! What do I do next?
A: Sign-up for the Saturday Morning Showdown by going to this link to register.