Name: Ashley Kubiak
Age: 33
Occupation: Police officer
Which class time do you usually attend? 4 or 5 o’clock
Favorite WOD: We’re suppose to have a favorite. lol
Favorite Lift: Cleans
Deadlift Max: 355
Back squat Max: 235
Fran: 6 min
Cindy: 19 round
Got Muscle-ups? Yes, 1
1 mile run: 6 min
How long have you been CrossFitting? Since 2007
What keeps you coming back/motivated?
“My job DEMANDS it. I am a police officer. In a sense, I do CrossFit to stay alive.”
How did you find CrossFit?
“Two colleagues back home opened a CrossFit gym (I don’t like calling it a box. We are not homeless.) and had me try it out. I was hooked ever since. You had me at hello. lol
What is your athletic background (If applicable)?
“I played baseball and basketball growing up. but now I’m a golf player. I play all the time.”
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
“CrossFit has opened me up to what TRUE fitness is suppose be. Any fitness regime that one uses in their everyday living and their profession is always a good thing and is that what I like. I like the incorporation of many different aspects to fitness i.e. powerlifting, endurance training, gymnastic movements and training, etc.”
What is the one thing you have done here that you never thought you could do? (muscle up, double unders, heavy deadlift, run a mile, etc.)
What motivates/inspires you?
“My job motivates me. The perps getting tired when I’m getting started is always a good thing. The thing that inspires me is the fact that I’m setting an example to my family, friends, and others around me to show them what true fitness is really about.”
What is your proudest CrossFi achievement?
“Is that possible? lol”
Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit?
“Finish a WOD that has several rounds of muscle-ups in it.”
What goals have you achieved in CrossFit?
“Well, I’ve gained weight through CrossFit. I’m not that skinny bean kid I was when I started CrossFit six years ago.”
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit?
“Lots of playing golf and playing my drum set at home and in church.”
What is your favorite meal?
“Any meal. Period.”
Any advice for new members?
“You have found the avenue for achieving to be fit. Don’t give up, don’t give in, keep pressing on and forward and you WILL achieve what CrossFit has done and meant to so many others.”
Keep up the great work Ashley! You are an awesome athlete and always put 110% into your workouts!