The First 30 is about building positive habits to start the year.
The intent is to build momentum the first month of the year to get you going through 2025.
Here’s how it works:
Collect points for various things fitness related like workouts, nutrition, recovery, etc. Your goal is to get to 30 points by the end of January.
Keep track of your points by putting a star next to your name on the chart by the corkboard.
Collect 30 points or more and receive an exclusive No Excuses CrossFit prize!
• 1 point per class (20 points over 20 classes, for example)
• 1 point for Street Cred after class
• 1 point for Facebook post with check-in (Make sure your post is set to Public and not Private. See below for example)
• 1 point for texting a picture of your breakfast to No Excuses CrossFit. 770-629-8763
• 2 points for attending the nutrition seminar on Saturday, January 4 at 10am.
• 2 points for Bring A Friend Thursday, January 23
• 2 points for registering for the CrossFit Open