Equipment Required: Foam roller, light KB, medium band, barbell
1) Foam Roll adductors & hamstrings x 60s each
2) 10 each Adductor Rock Back Stretch
3) 3 rounds:
– 3 each KB Windmills
– 5 each Banded Bird Dogs
– 5 each Goblet Lateral Lunges
– 7 Banded Overhead Good Mornings
4) Box Squat w. an empty barbell
1 x 5 w. 3s down focusing on perfect technique
Box Squat
Build to a heavy 5 in 4 sets.
– Have spotters in place
– L1: Build to a moderate 5 in 4-5 sets.
Double KB Front Rack Lateral Lunges
1/3 x 6 each.
– 1 Warm-up set, 3 working sets
– L1: Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges OR Unweighted Lateral Lunges
‘Open WOD 14.1’
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch (75, 55)
– Goal: Challenging pace, with room to speed up in the last two minutes. Break sets of Power Snatches early. Shoot for 5+ rounds
L2: (65,45)
L1: (30 Single Unders or Penguin Taps) (16 total DB Snatch 30/20)