Thanksgiving Week Schedule:
Wednesday 11/22 NO 6pm and 7pm class
Thursday 11/23 (Thanksgiving) 1 class @ 9am
Friday 11/24 NO 6am class
Thanksgiving Feast
Teams of 4-5 people
7min AMRAP
Row for max Cal
*Non working teammates must run 100 meters together then switch
-Rest 1min-
15min AMRAP
Wall balls x 50 reps
Goblet Step Back Lunge x 60 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 70 reps
*Non Working teammates must hold wall sit for reps to count
-Rest 1min-
7min AMRAP
Burpee Box Step Over x 30 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch x 40 reps
*Non working teammates must hold plank on elbows for reps to count
Thanksgiving Feast
Teams of 4-5 people
7min AMRAP
Row for max Cal
*Non working teammates must run 100 meters together then switch
-Rest 1min-
15min AMRAP
Wall balls x 50 reps 20/14
Goblet Step Back Lunge x 60 reps 55/35
Kettlebell Swings x 70 reps 55/35
*Non Working teammates must hold wall sit for reps to count
-Rest 1min-
7min AMRAP
Burpee Box Jump Over x 30 reps 24/20
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch x 40 reps 50/35
*Non working teammates must hold plank on elbows for reps to count
Thanksgiving Feast
Teams of 4-5 people
7min AMRAP
Row for max Cal
*Non working teammates must run 100 meters together then switch
-Rest 1min-
15min AMRAP
Wall balls x 50 reps 20/14
Goblet Step Back Lunge x 60 reps 55/35
Kettlebell Swings x 70 reps 55/35
*Non Working teammates must hold wall sit for reps to count
-Rest 1min-
7min AMRAP
Burpee Box Jump Over x 30 reps 24/20
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch x 40 reps 50/35
*Non working teammates must hold plank on elbows for reps to count