Happy Valentine’s Day! Get to the gym for some barbell love. We have a TON of athletes competing this weekend at Garage Games ONE. This is probably the biggest CrossFit event in the Southeast and it is right around the corner at the Suwanee Sports Academy! Saturday is the Individual competition where we have quite a few athletes taking on some WODs, not to mention Ben and the gang will be out there promoting WOD for a Cause! Email Ben if you are interested in handing out fliers or helping out. Sunday is the Team Competiton and we have 2 Rx teams and 3 scaled teams seeing how they stack up against all the rest! Please come out and show your support for No Excuses (wear your new t-shirt if you’ve got one) and cheer all of our amazing athletes on! If you have never been to a CrossFit competition, this would be a great one to go watch! It’s gonna be huge! Read more about Garage Games ONE and info about parking/tickets here.
In honor of gearing up for the Open (Follow this LINK to sign up for the Open!), here is a taste of one of last years WODs from the Open.
Open WOD 12.3 AMRAP 18: 15 Box Jumps (24,20) 12 Push Press (115,80) 9 Toes to Bar
Please help us raise money for the homeless in our community! Sign up HERE to participate and be on your way to giving back a portion of what you have been blessed with! There is so much joy in helping others!