Equipment Required: Light KB, Blue/Red band, Jump rope
1) 5 Upward to Downward Facing Dog + Toe Touch
2) Band Chicken Wing Stretch 60s each
3) AMRAP 5:
– 5 Tall Kneeling KB Halos each
– 5 Banded Bird Dogs each
– 10 1-arm KB Row each
3) 3:00 Jump Rope/Double Under Practice
5 minutes
Accumulate 25 Reps. Rest as needed.
– Scale 1: Box Assisted
– Scale 2: 30-40 Assisted Ring Pull-ups
– Last performed 3/4
Strict Handstand Push Ups
5 minutes
Accumulate 25 reps. Rest as needed.
– Scale 1: Kipping HSPU
– Scale 2: HSPU Negatives
– Scale 3: accumulate 3:00 in Handstand Hold
– Scale 4: 30-40 reps Single Arm Z-Press each
– Last performed 3/4
5 minutes
-Coach Led
Minute 1: 30 Double Unders
Minute 2: 15 Hang Power Cleans (115/75)
Minute 3: 30 Double Unders
Minute 4: 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
– Goal: Sustainable intervals – roughly 40s of work.
– Score = how many rounds of UB Double Unders / Single Unders were completed.
-Rx+: (135/95) (Min 3: 20ft Handstand Walk)
C. (Finisher after class)
Banded Pushdown with underhand grip
4 x 25. Rest 60s.