Equipment Required: Foam roller, medium/light band, light KB
1) Three Way Foam Thoracic Spine x 60s each
2) Band Chicken Wing Stretch x 60s each
3) 3 Rounds:
- 10 Banded Front Squats
- 10 Box Step-ups each
- 5 Scap Pull-ups + 5 Kip Swings
- 5 each KB Windmill
4) Front Squat w. an empty barbell - 1 x 6 with 3s down, 2s hold in the bottom position. Focusing on perfect technique.
Front Squat + Seated Dynamic Box Jump
4 Rounds of:
3 Front Squats building in weight
3 Seated Dynamic Box Jumps – moderate height.
- Goal: Exceed last week’s Front Squat weight by 5%
Power Snatch
6 sets x 2 reps
Add weight each set, warming-up to final weight for Metcon
“Death by format” – increasing weight every 2:00 as long as possible:
2 Power Snatch
2 Overhead Squat
4 T2B
- Goal: Complete 8-10 rounds. VERY hard effort as you get into the later rounds.
- Score = final weight.
-Scale OHS to 2 SA OH box squat
-Scale T2B to Hanging Straight leg raises or knee raises
Glute Hip Thrust
4 x 10-12.
-Rest 60s.