2 Sets
Banded side plank clam shell x 7 reps per side
Banded side shuffle x 14 step per side
Banded around Knees Squats x 7 reps
3 Sets
Barbell Hip thrust x 5 Reps
Heavy load on all three sets, pause at the top of each rep for 5 sec
Single leg Hip thrust with no weight x 30 sec max reps each leg
On the 3 min Marks
15 min Flow
Run x 200 meters
Walking Lunge x 50ft
Pike Hold x 20 sec
Single Unders x 30 reps
Core finisher
3 Sets
Hollow Flutter Kicks x 20 sec
-rest 20 sec-
Hollow Flutter Kicks x 20 sec
-rest 20 sec-
Single arm Kettlebell Turkish Sit Ups x 20 sec Right arm
-rest 20 sec-
Single arm Kettlebell Turkish Sit Ups x 20 sec left arm
-rest 20 sec-
3 Sets
Barbell Hip thrust x 5 Reps
Heavy load on all three sets, pause at the top of each rep for 5 sec
Single leg Hip thrust with no weight x 30 sec max reps each leg
On the 3 min Marks
15 min Flow
Run x 200 meters
Walking Lunge x 50ft
Handstand Hold x 20 sec
Backwards Single Unders x 30 reps
Core finisher
3 Sets
Single arm Kettlebell Hollow Flutter Kicks x 20 sec right arm
-rest 20 sec-
Single arm Kettlebell Hollow Flutter Kicks x 20 sec left arm
-rest 20 sec-
Single arm Kettlebell Turkish Sit Ups x 20 sec Right arm
-rest 20 sec-
Single arm Kettlebell Turkish Sit Ups x 20 sec left arm
-rest 20 sec-