Equipment required: Foam roller, medium/light band
1) 1 Round:
– 60s each Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings
– 3 each Side/Side Deep Lunge + Twist
2) 2 Rounds:
– 10s each Side Plank Clamshell
– 10s each Deadbug Hold
3) AMRAP 4:
– 5 each Bodyweight Lunges
– 10 each X-Band Walk
– 10 ft Elephant Walk
4) Sumo Deadlift w. an empty barbell
1 x 5 w. 3s down 1s pause at the knee on the way up focusing on perfect technique
2/8 x 3 every 60s.
– 2 Warm-up sets, 8 working sets
– Increase slightly from last week
– These are SPEED reps
50 Meter Sled Push
Rest 60s
50 Meter total Single Arm Front Rack Carry
Rest 60s
– Goal: Challenging effort, full recovery between rounds.
3 x 20-25. Rest 60s
– Use a lighter Medball that doesn’t slip so you can complete big sets unbroken