Equipment required: Foam roller, medium/light band,
1) 1 Round:
– Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings x 60s each
– 10 each Sciatic Nerve Floss
– 10 each Dynamic Pigeon Pose
2) 2 Rounds:
– 1 Bird Dog Hold (Same Side) 10s
– 1 each Star Plank 10s
– 1 Curl Up 10s
3) 3 Rounds:
– 5 Banded Overhead Good Mornings
– 10 each X-Band Walk
– 10 ft Elephant Walk
4) Deadlift w. an empty barbell
1 x 5 w. 3s down 1s pause at the knee on the way up focusing on perfect technique
2/8 x 3 every 60s
– 2 Warm-up sets, 8 working sets
– 50% of 1RM
– These are SPEED reps, reset between each pull
4 Rounds
5 Burpees
10/7 Cal Bike Sprint
Rest 2:00
– Goal: HARD effort, you should need the full 2:00 recovery each round
L1: AMRAP 8:
5 Up Downs
5 each DB Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps (20/10)
*Bike Alternate:
20/16 Cal Row
Double Leg Banded Hamstring Curls
3 x 20-25. Rest 60s