5 Sets
Front Squat x 4 reps ; Build in weight
*Pause 1sec at bottom of first rep on each set
On the 2:30min Mark
3 Sets
Right Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead x 10 reps
Row x 12/9 cal @1000/800 cal per/hr
Left Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead x 10 reps
Row x 12/9 cal @1000/800 cal per/hr
Single Unders x 70 reps
Rest 2:30min
5 Sets
Front Squat x 4 reps @87% of clean
*Pause 1sec at bottom of first rep on each set
On the 2:30min Mark
3 Sets
Right Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead x 10 reps
Row x 12/9 cal @1150/950 cal per/hr
Left Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead x 10 reps
Row x 12/9 cal @1150/950 cal per/hr
Double Unders x 50 reps
Rest 2:30min
RX: 50/35
RX+: 70/55
5 Sets
Front Squat x 4 reps @87% of clean
*Pause 1sec at bottom of first rep on each set
On the 2:30min Mark
5 Sets
Right Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead x 10 reps 70/55
Ski x 10/7 cal @900/700 cal per/hr
Left Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead x 10 reps 70/55
Ski x 10/7 cal @900/700 cal per/hr
Double Unders x 50 reps
Rest 2:30min