EMOM x 10min
Odd: Banded PVC Lat Pull Down x 10 reps
Even: Parrelette Dip x 7 reps
2 Sets
2:30min AMRAP
Run x 200 meters
Shoulder to Overhead x AMRAP Remaining Time
Rest 30sec
-No Rest-
2 Sets
2:30min AMRAP
Row x 200 meters
Ring Pull x AMRAP Remaining Time
Rest 30sec
-No Rest-
2 Sets
Row x 200 meters
Incline Push Ups x AMRAP Remaining Time
Rest 30sec
EMOM x 10min
Odd: Weighted Strict Pull Up x 1 rep
Even: Weighted Dip x 1 rep
2 Sets
2:30min AMRAP
Run x 200 meters
Shoulder to Overhead x AMRAP Remaining Time 135/85
Rest 30sec
-No Rest-
2 Sets
2:30min AMRAP
Row x 300 meters
Bar Muscle Ups or Chest to Bar Pull Ups or Chin to Bar Pull Ups x AMRAP Remaining Time
Rest 30sec
-No Rest-
2 Sets
Row x 300 meters
Handstand Push Ups x AMRAP Remaining Time
Rest 30sec
EMOM x 10min
Push Press + Push Jerk (Hold Split For 10sec) 60% of Split Jerk
3 Sets
2:30min AMRAP
Run x 200 meters
Shoulder to Overhead x AMRAP Remaining Time 205/145
Rest 30sec
-No Rest-
3 Sets
2:30min AMRAP
Row x 300 meters
Bar Muscle Ups x AMRAP Remaining Time
Rest 30sec
-No Rest-
3 Sets
Ski x 300 meters
Strict Handstand Push Ups x AMRAP Remaining Time
Rest 30sec
Competitor Session 2:
4 Sets
Bent Over DB Row x 8 reps Per Arm
Rest 90sec between arms
2 Sets
Muscle Up x 1min
rest 1min
Ring Push Up x 1 min
rest 1min
Kipping Ring Dips x 1min
rest 1min
Ring Support with turn out x 1min
rest 1min